US-446831, by scopemouth
POSTCARD RR Australia/NZ to rest of the world, by Apty
June 2009 RR, by Luciano
LV-7635, by lizete
Slavic countries & Rest of the world RR, by delenn_mir
Private swap, by russianruby
Private swap, by Sarah (asgerd)
June 2009 RR, by cata035
June 2009 RR, by zepombal
Sent by myself :)
Slavic countries & Rest of the world RR, by lu-lu
Water RR, by BubbleGum
Water RR, by Muffins
Water RR, by hootnoodle
June 2009 RR, by daarhon
June 2009 RR, by yiphinwai
DE-371283, by Tornasol
Sent by myself :)
Private swap, by Dina (Dina0711)
Sent by myself :)
Private swap, by Ana (anagahan)
Private swap, by Chitra
Slavic countries & Rest of the world RR, by strix-ru
June 2009 RR, by Nikinno
Private swap, by Hana (amethyst226)